Aftercare Instructions

** This is how to care for your tattoo if you do not use Tegaderm, or if the Tegaderm comes off early **

Tattoos typically take 10-21 days to heal fully. They will be red, swollen, and sore for the first couple of days, this is normal. As they continue healing, the skin will tighten and dry out, and a thin, flaky scab will form; DO NOT pick the scab, it is normal.

** I recommend using Vitamin A&D ointment during the initial healing.

  • Leave your tattoo bandaged for the first 2-6 hours.

  • Your tattoo needs to be cleaned twice daily with unscented antibacterial soap. Make sure to clean the tattoo in the shower, never the bath.

    Instructions to Clean

    1. Wash your hands and unwrap the tattoo.

    2. In the shower, use warm water and unscented antibacterial soap and gently wash the skin. You may notice a gunky/slimy substance, this is just plasma, excess ink, and sweat.

    3. Gently pat the area dry (DO NOT WIPE) with a clean towel and allow it to air dry for a couple minutes.

    4. Apply a THIN layer of Vitamin A&D ointment.

    5. If you choose to rewrap your tattoo, only do so after all of these steps. Also make sure to not wrap it too tightly, because your skin needs air to heal.

    • DO NOT submerge your fresh tattoo, no baths, no swimming, no hot tubs, no saunas, etc. until the tattoo is healed.

    • DO NOT use alcohol-based products on your fresh tattoo.

    • DO NOT touch your tattoo unless you have washed your hands first.

    • DO NOT pick the scabs/flakes off your tattoo, it is a normal part of the healing process, and any itchiness can be relieved using a thin layer of Vitamin A&D ointment.

    • Only apply a THIN layer of ointment to the tattoo, applying too much can counteract the healing process.

    • For at least 2 weeks minimize exposure to the sun.